This archive contains 14 banks of patches for the EMU Proteus. All the patches were downloaded from a bulletin board and then converted to Dr. T's format. The conversion program and C source code are included. Basically the conversion program strips off system exclusive codes from a proteus sysex file (also known as a MIDI file). The resulting file can then be merged with a standard header ("prefix") to form a Dr. T-compatible file. The PROTCONVERT program expects an input file containing a bank of Proteus Sysex patches. It doesn't check to ensure that this is what you give it. It outputs a file with all the sysex codes stripped off. Syntax is: PROTCONVERT infile outfile infile= Proteus sysex patches outfile= Proteus patches minus sysex data With an Amiga, you can then use the "Join" command to merge "prefix" with the stripped file. (EXAMPLE: join prefix and outfile as Other computers will need different methods. The resulting file can be used with Dr. T's Proteus Editor/Librarian Yes, you could use MIDI to transfer and convert patches, but it doesn't help if you download patches via modem. Don't worry if you get a message saying "input file too short". It should still work. PROTCONVERT was written by Phil Saunders 2209 N. Van Dorn #201 Alexandria, Va 22304. It is hereby released to the public domain. If you use the program that's good enough. But if you've created some hip Proteus patches, why not upload them onto a bulletin board for others to share?